Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm 5000 Percent Sure This is Awesome

Oh, the days of summers past. You see, I have never had cable at home... so I got to watch shows like this. And Elimidate, anyone, anyone?

Monday, July 27, 2009

You Cant Act Like You Dont Know

Speaking of Alice, check this stuff out. Pretty chill compilations, Im afraid ill get sick of listening to his music at the rate im going, but it hasnt seemed to happen yet.

Saturday, July 11, 2009



If your daughter is ever kidnapped, drugged up and sold into prostitution, you better hope your dad is a retired government "preventer" whose set of skills include the ability to knock out anyone and everyone that gets in his way. It'd be a plus if he was also able to shoot up a whole house full of thugs with guns. Granted, most of them were shot in the back while hurrying like idiots down the stairs, but it was still impressive.

It's also good to finally know there's a legitimate use for a car's slapstick, just start from minute 79:55 of the movie. I think he was trying to slow down? In any case... it was badass.

In all seriousness, I really hope more movies like this are made. It's deceptively short and to the point. I couldn't imagine how he would make it out of certain jams, much less resolve the conflict in under 8 minutes remaining of the movie from that 79:55 car scene. You want action? You get action. And I got action. lol

On another note, things were hitting close to home in a couple of these articles, check it out.
See #14 [Mental_Floss]
See #11 [11 Points]
See #10 [11 Points]
And this one is just interesting [11 Points]

And if you're bored right now, head over and make a movie! Its easy! For example...

POST EDIT: Just watched Iron Man...I have two gripes. Basically infinite power from a small source in your chest? Personified intelligent 'butler' computer system named Jarvis and 'pet' robots in his workshop? Oh, and did you really have to cast Samuel L Jackson? Such a promising sequel, now ruined for me :(

P.P.S. IMDB: Random pictures of people from Iron Man premiere? lol

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Ah, Fourth of July. Every boys favorite day: a day to blow shit up. Straight up. And its viewed as OK, even normal.

But more importantly, today is also my phones birthday. Actually, I think it was yesterday... but we're going to celebrate it anyhow. In one year, I managed to take... 650 pictures. That's 1.7808219178082191780821917808219 pictures per day. And I'm not one to keep my phone out all the time either.

What do I capture you say? Well, delicious steak, the booze my parents don't drink, recycling, the best snack ever, chicks, sumptuous temptations, odd sights, signs for my room, cool views and landscapes, glory holes, and other funny shaz.

Do you want me to keep going?