Monday, September 28, 2009

Adventures in the Frozen Food Aisle!

Looks delicious, right? We'll see about that...

With cheddar AND romano?!

The prepared meal (cheddar-wurst sold separately).

The funny thing is... it looked tastier halfway through the cooking process than how it turned out. I don't know, maybe that's not very funny. Stay tuned for more to come!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Drink Water... Only If You Want To

Just whipped up a short video chronicling the creation of the new uh... study table... for our house. And when I say whipped up, I mean it's taken me almost a month to get it online because the video wasn't previously working correctly on vimeo, but alas, without further ado, I present to you, for your enjoyment, a SLOS exclusive video.

Believe it or not, this took almost two weeks to complete. Although, in my defense, I'm a procrastinating, unmotivated perfectionist.

Boy, I sure am ready for some studying. Bring on the classes! err whatever...