Friday, May 29, 2009

First Vid

So, posted the sweet skillz basketball vidddd like I promised. Check that shiat out. Until I can come up with something better... this was kinda like a test run, err shootout. Let me know what/how you think/feel/react/much-amount-of-awe-you're-in!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Next Big Thing...

omgomgomgomgomgomg so I'm currently in production for my highly anticipated sweet skillz basketball vidddd by yours truly. Gosh, its gonna be good. You won't even know how to react, it's gonna blow your mind. Your socks will be so knocked off, like, across the room far. prepared, you've been warned. Dig out those sock suspenders from the closet (never mind that it's broken, still keeps shit hung up, thanks for offering to fix it). Unless you're like me, who keeps 'em handy for whenever my idol announces a new vid about his sweet skillz basketball vid that's currently in production. Oh, the things I go through for y'all, sheesh.

Friday, May 15, 2009

I Was Funnier in March

Well, no. Not really.
...but go check out some old posts, eh eh eh? OK.
Until I can get back on the ground running. Or at least walking. Maybe crawling. Lying around?

Still dont think French is the sexiest language?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oh Sheesh Ya'll

So, Ive just finished watching all the Jake & Amir sketches on Collegehumor...they're hilarious, stop whatever you're doing right now and check them out. Here's a guy who dances all over the world, collegehumor danced with him on their last video in the All Nighter '09...because they were too lazy to make something else up. This is just a random one I clicked on, but its an awesome song. Wish I had his dance moves.

DaveyDanceBlog -59- Heidelberg from Pheasant Plucker on Vimeo. That was Davey dancing.

These look like videos mainly Amir is managing or whatever, but have some more Jake & Amir material I haven't seen yet.